
markovian process中文什么意思

发音:   用"markovian process"造句
  • 马尔可夫过程:一种随机过程,亦称无后效过程
  • 亦称无后效过程
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  1. We get the probability distribution of the population by the theory and method of markovian process , and discuss the model coefficients influencing on subsistence of a population
  2. In chapter 1 , we briefly reviewed the risk theory and its development . and the significance about this paper was expressed . in chapter 2 , we introduced classical risk model . in which , making this risk process into a strong markovian process is the preparation of deriving the main results . chapter 3 is the main body of the paper , we derived the results about general ruin probability in a kind of continuous time risk model with deficit - time geometry distribution of claim inter - occurrence time . the martingale approach is a good procedure to get the expression of ruin probability about a class of continuous time risk models with deficit - time geometry distribution of claim inter - occurrence time . we also take advantage of change of measure idea from it


        process:    vi. 〔口语〕排队走,列队行进 〔procession ...
        markovian decision process:    马尔可夫决策过程
        markovian renewal process:    马尔可夫更新过程; 马尔可父更新过程
        non-markovian process:    非马尔可夫过程
        stationary gaussian markovian process:    平稳高斯
        markovian:    马尔科夫
        markovian analysis:    马尔可夫分析
        markovian chain:    马尔可夫环
        markovian decision:    马尔科夫决策
        markovian machine:    马尔可夫机
        markovian model:    马尔可夫模型
        markovian motion:    马尔可夫运动
        markovian variable:    马尔科夫变量; 马尔可夫变数
        continuous time markovian motion:    连续时间马尔可夫运动
        discrete-time markovian motion:    离散时间马尔可夫运动
        markovian contingency table:    马尔可夫列联表
        markovian decision programming:    马尔可夫决策规划
        markovian value mechanism:    马尔可夫值机构
        simple markovian queue:    简单的马尔可夫排队
        markovian continuous-time epidemic model:    马尔可夫连续时间流行模型
        in process:    生产中的; 在进行中
        in process of:    在…过程中
        in the process:    在进行;经过;在…过程中; 在这个过程中
        in the process of:    在过程中
        process:    n. 1.进行,经过;过程,历程;作用。 2. 处置,方法,步骤;加工处理,工艺程序,工序;制作法。 3.【摄影】照相制版法;照相版图片;三原色印刷。 4.【法律】诉讼程序;法律手续;被告传票,传票。 5.【解剖学】(动植物机体的)突起,隆起,突。 the process of growth 生长过程。 a mental [psychological] process 心理作用。 labour-consuming process 重体力劳动。 film process 影片加工。 offset process 胶印法。 legal process 法律手续。 vermiform process 【解剖学】阑尾,蚓突。 in process 进行着 (changes in process 正在发生的变化)。 in process of time 随着时间的推移;逐渐地。 in (the) process of 在…的过程中 (in process of construction 正在建筑中)。 serve a process on 对…发出传票。 adj. 1.经过特殊加工的;(用化学方法等)处理过的。 2.照相制版的;三色版的。 3.(电影镜头等)有幻觉效应的。 vt. 1.加工;处理,办理;初步分类;储藏(腌肉等);(用化学方法)处置(废物等)。 2.用照相版影印。 3.对…提起诉讼;用传票传审。 a processing tax 〔美国〕 (农产品)加工税。 a processing plant 炼油厂,石油加工厂。 vi. 〔口语〕排队走,列队行进 〔procession 之略〕。



  1. markovian decision process 什么意思
  2. markovian decision programming 什么意思
  3. markovian machine 什么意思
  4. markovian model 什么意思
  5. markovian motion 什么意思
  6. markovian renewal process 什么意思
  7. markovian value mechanism 什么意思
  8. markovian variable 什么意思
  9. markovib 什么意思
  10. markovic 什么意思


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